Adios May

May is long gone, along with school, cold and rainy days, and my favorite TV show Lost.  Saturday the family and I kicked May to the curb with style and said hello to hot summer days.  We spent the day hanging out in downtown KC and had a great time.  Living here the last four years, I've really fell in love with this city.

Before we moved here, Ronnin and I always thought of Kansas City as the ugly step-child of St Louis.  (That's especially insulting if you've been around St Louis much)  Why does Kansas City have the bad rep?  I'll never forget spending time with someone in San Diego last year who seriously asked me if cows run around on the streets of our city.  Well round me up a saddle because Cow-Town has one my heart.

Blessed Is the One

Two CD's that I have been listening to non-stop this week have been the new Hillsong United album and the latest Christ For the Nations project.  By the way, Hillsong's album is currently the #2 album being purchased on itunes.  That's quite a feat because I know most Christians have zero integrity and have been illegally downloading and copying the album.  (Just kidding, kind of)

The CFN album is a lot harder to find, but the song Blessed Is the One is worth your quest.  Sunday, Laura and Leandro sang this song at church and my heart exploded when they sang these lyrics:

He comes to touch the lame
He comes to take the shame
He comes to prove the Father's love
He comes to wash the stains
He comes to break the chains
He comes to claim us as His own
2009 CFN Music
Tom Ewing

He comes to prove the Father's love?  Wow, I've never thought of the mission and message of Jesus Christ that way.    He is the living, breathing, proof that God is a never-satisfied, never-quitting, and never-distracted lover of humanity.  

What a great reminder that Jesus is more than our political figurine, polarizing hot-button issue, and religious booty-call every time we need help.  Instead the greatest expression of Christian faith is in our passionate desire to prove His love.

Hello, my stage name is Tiny

Last night, we hosted TeamXtreme out on the deck at our church.  This pic is of me ripping a phone book in half.  Too bad God's called me to pastor or I'd join these guys on the road.  Bubba and Bram did an excellent job of breaking and bending stuff, hurling students across the stage, and sharing some jaw-dropping testimonies.  

Here's the highlights:
  1. The looks everyone gave Bubba and Bram as they walked in the church last night.  It was priceless to watch our church peps try really hard not to stare at those guys.
  2. 8 years of youth ministry, and I finally had an outdoor service.  The weather was perfect, the deck didn't collapse, and we only saw one snake.
  3. Ronnin and Laura getting soaked by cans of diet 7up that Bubba broke over his head.
  4. Bram sharing with me in near tears how 5 years earlier his life was totally changed at our church.  We "caught" him on his face praying before the service.  Dude really is tough!!!
  5. Reading Andrew Burr's tweets during our service about God jacking up students in their service in TX last night.
  6. Me ripping a phone book in half with a little help from Bubba.  Jace was so proud of his papa!
  7. My new friend, who watched us from his back door, then got out a lawn chair and watched from his yard, and at the end coming over and joining us.
  8. Finding out that those guys can eat xtreme as well.  There's probably a shortage of wings in the midwest today.
  9. Oh yeah, students responding to (re) dedicate their lives to Christ!!!
I'm really looking forward to our city-wide outreach next week with these guys...

Give Honor Where Honor's Due

It's graduation season and that also means it's the season for horrible speeches.  Politicians will be out in full force speaking at the highest profile universities, celebrities will be dispensing their 'knowledge' at their alma maters, and CEO's from leading industries will be sharing their insights at campuses around the country.

Most of these speeches will sound shallow and insignificant, devoid of practical truth and keys to success.  To help you through the graduation season, check out this video from a young man who shares his secret to surviving school, preparing him for future success in life.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is this weekend and I'm reminded of the many things I admire and appreciate about the two most important women in my life, my mom and my wife.  My wife Ronnin is the most patient, forgiving person that I've ever known.  (What a perfect fit we are,  I'm constantly doing things that require great understanding and mercy!!!)  I envy Ronnin's passion for God and desire to live life to the full.  What a privilege it is to live with someone whose life is a constant encouragement to walk authentically with Christ.  Ronnin, I hope the boys and I make you feel treasured and honored for who you are...

Mom, people that know us well say that you and I are a lot alike.  Truth is though, I'm nowhere near as generous, hard-working, or faithful as my mom.  I could fill this section with stories of her self-sacrifice, determination, and ability to overcome difficult situations.  Here's my favorite story about mom:

The summer after I graduated from high school, I worked at a chemical plant outside of Houston, TX.  Every morning I had to wake up at 4:30 am and drive over 2 hours to get to the plant. (The money was worth it.)  At this time in my life, I was sorting through a lot of questions about my future and God.   

Mom and dad had always made us (Julie, Lori, Tim, and I) feel special and had filled us with a desire to live life as an offering to God and as an honor to our heritage.  I was thankful for this but at the same time I was feeling completely overwhelmed with the task.  

My fears caused me to see God as a stern coach on the sideline of life, only satisfied with my perfect execution of his playbook.   I didn't want to quit the "team", but I had chosen to sit on the bench to avoid the rejection I perceived would follow my constant mistakes.  

I was going to church, helping out when needed, and going through the motions of life, but I knew I was far from truth and devoid of purpose.   

Every morning as I woke up about the same time many of friends were going to sleep, I'd get dressed, eat a quick breakfast, and head out for my daily soul-searching drive to work.  One morning before I left, I noticed that my mom was outside on the patio.  She had her bible in her lap and she was praying with her eyes closed and tears running down her face.  I quietly walked up to the sliding glass door to listen to her, but I couldn't tell what she was saying.  I left for work and spent the entire trip wondering what would wake my mom up that early in the morning.

The next morning before I left for work, I checked the patio and once again found her with her bible reading and praying.  Struggling with truth in my own life, I was more confused by my mom's complete devotion and faithfulness.  I understood my inspiration for waking up at 4:30 am ... money.  But what was hers?  Morning after morning I'd check up on her and every morning there she was.  Her crazy love for God greatly disturbed my attitude of religious indifference.  It was just a few months later, that I had a life-defining spiritual encounter with God.  In church that day, with tears in my eyes and a heart overwhelmed with the love of God, I was reminded of my mom's sacred patio of prayer and it started to make sense.  Mom wasn't waking up early to please God, fulfill a religious duty, or make herself feel religious superior.  She woke up early every morning to spend time alone with the only person who loves completely, forgives unconditionally, and understands mercifully.

I hope one day, when my own boys are searching for truth and purpose in their lives, I can really be like my mom.

Letter in Response to Fred Phelps "Invading" our city tonight

The following letter has been composed by the youth pastor network in our city as a response to Fred Phelps picketing in our city this evening.  Instead of picketing him as he pickets one of our high schools, we're taking the high road and we've forwarded this letter to all the local media outlets and Mr Phelps himself.  Congrats to my fellow youth pastors for authoring this letter:

Tonight, Lee's Summit North will be picketed by Fred Phelps' "church," protesting their production of "The Laramie Project," a play about the 1998 killing of Matthew Shepard.

The youth ministers of Lee's Summit have joined together to form this response to Mr. Phelps and his message of judgment, condemnation, and hate.

Dear Friends, Family, and Mr. Phelps,

We believe in teenagers. Teens are amazing creations of God, full of energy, wit, questions, laughter, love, and hope.

Today’s suburban teenager is under a tremendous amount of pressure and stress. Waking up before the sun rises to physically prepare for 8+ hours of school (they’ll mentally wake up a few hours later), they face the pressures of peers, parents, teachers, administrative staff, coaches, and culture. From games to grades and GPA’s, today’s teenager has 12 hours less free time per week than the previous generation. After school, they’ll quickly consume a few thousand calories and send a few thousand texts in between lessons, practices, a couple of hours of homework, and bedtime.

What teenagers need most at this critical age is the presence of encouraging adults. Teenagers often report feeling abandoned by the adults in their lives—parents too busy with work, classes too big to be noticed by teachers. More meals are eaten on the go than around the family dinner table answering silly questions from Mom and Dad. It is imperative that teens have many loving adults who will listen, coming alongside them in their struggles, stresses, and successes.

The youth ministries of Lee’s Summit emphasize that each person is wonderfully created, incredibly unique, inimitable, matchless, and irreplaceable. In the words of Paul, “
We will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original” (Galatians 5.25).

The youth ministries of Lee’s Summit follow Jesus as we make friends with all teens. Jesus became fully human, that we might see and know and understand the Life and Love of the Father. We, then, are called to walk alongside youth—in their sorrows and suffering, in their joys and triumphs, and in the ordinariness of everyday life—truly sharing life together.

The youth ministries of Lee’s Summit know that the relationship is the ministry. Not the programs or the project, but the person. We are learning to love one another, to serve one another, to accept one another “as-is,” to celebrate one another. As we do this, we are learning to welcome Christ into our presence. It is God's job alone to judge and convict.

The youth ministries of Lee’s Summit exist that teenagers may know the incredible, life-transforming Love of God, and allow this Love to redefine their lives, living in God’s Story instead of a story that revolves around them.

It is the calling of each generation to pass along wisdom (and wit) to the next generation. It has been said that it takes ten positive comments to counteract the effects of every one negative comment. Convinced that the most powerful force in the universe is Love, the youth ministers of Lee’s Summit are trying to teach today’s teenager to live in radical love, hope, and a grace beyond imagination. And the question for each generation is: Can we learn to love each other enough?

God is especially fond of teenagers. David was but a teen when he killed Goliath. Many of Jesus’ first followers are thought to be teenagers. And, most importantly, Jesus himself came into this world through a teenager who dared to whisper a risky “Yes!” to God’s call.


The Youth Ministers of Lee’s Summit

Ethan Bryan—Cornerstone Church

Eddie Garlich—Deerbrook Covenant Church

Pam Hustad—ClearPoint Church

Curtis Privett—ClearPoint Church

Joe Gabbard—Christ Triumphant Church

Jamie Roach—Lakeland Community Church

Jason Lahey—Lakeland Community Church

Hattie Cummings—Young Life of Lee’s Summit

Andrew Collins—Raintree Community Church

Justin Roach—New Beginnings Church

Jeff Arnold—First Baptist Church of Lee’s Summit

Rebecca Grocott—Lee’s Summit United Methodist Church

Brian Swanson—Woods Chapel United Methodist Church

Phil Rayson—Aldersgate United Methodist Church

Ryan Schreckenghaust—Lee’s Summit Community Church

Lance Harrington—Abundant Life Baptist Church

Jernigan Schwent—Abundant Life Baptist Church

Leslie Snyder—Kansas City Parent Network

Reasons You Shouldn't Lead

Navigating new spiritual paths is messy, painful, and exhausting.  Here's 12 reasons you should stick to copying other people's highway to success:

  • If you haven't been there, don't try to lead people there.
  • If you're not willing to stay, build, and invest in it, don't lead people there.
  • If it isn't costing you anything, don't lead people there.
  • If you have to mislead or manipulate along the way, don't lead people there.
  • If it doesn't scare you to death, don't lead people there.
  • If you're doing it because you're scared, don't lead people there.
  • If you can do it on your own, don't lead people there.
  • If someone else told you to do it, don't lead people there.
  • If everyone is telling you it's a great idea, don't lead people there.
  • If everyone is telling you it's a bad idea, don't lead people there.
  • If your spouse is not with you, don't lead people there.
  • If God is not with you, don't lead people there.

  • But if none of the above apply then it's time to gather the team, share the dream, and blaze that new path.  Don't know who said this but they sure said it well:  "To reach people no one else is reaching you have to do things that no one else is doing." 

    Imitation may be the best form of flattery but it's also the best form of laziness.

    Endangered Species?

    Just finished reading Ben Arment's latest blog (subtle hint that you should too), a "The End is Near" prophecy about blogging.  He says that it's becoming more difficult to follow leaders, innovators, and your weird cousin because people are twittering (more for humor than insight) and not blogging.  

    Even Carlos, grandpapa to many social networkers, has shut down his blog indefinently.  That's the equivalent of Paris Hilton declaring a moratorium on shopping, Carrot Top walking away from steroids (Seriously, have you seen recent pictures of this guy?), and Mickey Rourke not having a bad hair day. (Just got the latest issue of Relevant and he made the back cover.  Mickey, career advice: congrats on the Oscar nom but you're still one haircut away from a legit comeback.)

    Ben's warnings have me a little worried.  I've become addicted to following leaders to glean (I should have thesaurussed a better word) insights from their daily struggles and successes and also learn how they've turned their craft into an art form.  As soon as I turn my mac on, (That sounds suggestive doesn't it?) I let the blog roll begin.  In recent months I've become a better leader, more compassionate minister, and greater pursuer of authenticity.  These bloggers have helped me see that we all have great dreams, we all have great weaknesses, and we all need a great God.  Sure, I'm tempted to steal Noble's insights and share them as my own but that's the great thing about blogging:  It's a giant think-tank.  Tim's transparent leadership reminds me to shut-up and be real, Batterson's insights remind me to speak up and be honest, and Furtick's faith reminds me to grow up and be a leader.  Sure I'll continue to twitter, even it makes blogging an endangered species, but I'm still more interested in hearing how you're connecting with your community than what type of coffee you got from Starbucks.

    There's room in my heart for both and still a big vacuum of knowledge that I'm after.  So I'll continue to check out your twitpic of you goofing off in your office, as long as you continue to paint a picture of what it means to be a passionate follower of Christ. 

    God is Here

    I woke up this morning well rested, after spending the previous night driving from KC to Dallas to attend Ed Young's C3 conference.  I've never been to the conference before and even though I've lived in Dallas, I've never been in Ed's church.  So yesterday as Leo and I pulled into the parking lot, I was excited to be here, just not sure what to expect.

    The speakers have been excellent, delivering not only the expected one-liners that we'll all use in our own churches, but also painting a fresh picture of what it means to be a leader for the cause of Christ.  I've enjoyed it, laughed a lot, and already know I'm leaving here a better person, a hungrier pursuer of God, and hopefully a better leader.  But I need something more...

    Last night my parents drove over to have dinner with Tim and I and we got them to go to the evening session with us.  As we walked in, and they handed us our glow sticks, I assumed my parents were already creating an exit strategy.  The music started, I took my seat (thanks Tim for putting us in the back corner, behind a pillar), and something happened.

    My parents didn't leave, in fact mom was waving her glow stick high in the air, and dad turned to me and said, "They should turn the music up."  I laughed, moved to position myself around Tim's pillar, and joined in the worship.  I raised my hands, sang along, and for a moment I got lost in the moment.

    Next thing I know, tears were streaming down my face and I encountered... God.  You cynics can blame my experience on Ed's charismatic style, the lights, lasers, and smoke show, the video screens, and the loud, pulsating worship music.  But I know the true cause of my "emotional" display:  God was there.  And I'm thankful that so was I.

    This morning, I'm hungry for more of the same.  I want to be a better person, I want to become a hungrier pursuer of God, I want to become a better leader, and I want to put myself in the place where God is.  So God I ask you to answer that prayer today, and help me to ask for it again tomorrow.

    Perfect Valentine Gift

    Okay, you're strapped for cash, and today's Valentine Eve.  What do you do this late in the game without much money to work with?
    • Bouquet of flowers, not gonna happen.  Here's a rule to live by:  Don't pay for things that are dying.   
    • Jewelry from your neighborhood jeweler.  Only if you're the same guy who thinks you're getting a deal when you pay $15 bucks for popcorn and a coke at the movie theatre.
    • Chocolates/other sweets.  Nothing says I love you like... food?  Come on, how lame is that?  That special someone deserves more than a jumbo-sized snickers bar from your local convenience store.
    How can you express how much you love, respect, and cherish your valentine in a reasonable, affordable, and efficient way?  There's only one answer to your quest for the perfect valentine gift... music.

    Write a song, no.  If you were that creative you wouldn't be reading my blog trying to figure out what to get your lover the day before Valentine's day.  Play a song yourself, no.  You're not that talented, your oboe is not cool, and you can't authentically lipsync your way through your favorite Mariah Carey song.

    I've got an easier plan.  Go to itunes, pick your favorite 8 love songs, spend less than $10, and let the magic of music do its thing.

    To get you started, here's my list of 8 top love songs:

    1. Please Forgive Me by Bryan Adams.  There's no better way to start the night off than already asking for forgiveness.  This is also the key to a great marriage.  I'm constantly asking forgiveness for things I haven't even done and things I'm not really sorry about.
    2. My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.  Great lyrics, epic sound, known around the world as one of the top love songs of our time.  Also a subtle reminder that most romances crash like the Titanic, but without the steamed-up car scene.
    3. Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton.  You have to love the honesty of this song.  His lady gets dressed, puts on makeup, brushes her hair, and then asks how she looks.  It sure beats the reality of waking up beside someone with bad breath, nappy hair, and desperately in need of an extreme makeover.
    4. Always on my Mind by Willie Nelson.  Here's a trivia question, Who wrote this song?  Nelson, nope.  Elvis, nope.  It was Brenda Lee.  Here's a list of people who have recorded this song, proving it belongs on your list:  Elvis Presley, Willie Nelson, Alvin and the Chipmunks, B.B. King, Michael Buble, Shakira, and most impressively... David Hasselhoff.
    5. At Last by Etta James.  She rocks this song making Beyonce and Celine sound like American Idol castoffs.  It's such a pure innocent song about how love makes the sky blue, lonely days a distant memory, and life a beautiful song.  You know, all the things we thought love was before we fell for it's lies.  Just kidding, kind of.  And you'll earn style points after our new Prez and his lady danced to this song at the inauguration.
    6. Breathe by Faith Hill.  One and only country artist should be on your list.  Oops, I forget about Willie.  Okay two and only two country artists should be on your list.  This is a great song that does two important things at the same time.  It reminds your lover how much they mean to you and make the whole world fade away while at the same time reminding your lover that they may be suffocating you.  What a great valentine message:  I love you but give me my space!
    7. Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers.  When you hear this song what's the first image that comes to mind?  The romantic scene from the movie Ghost, Elvis' last public performance, obscure prison movie called Unchained?  That's right, way before Whoopi took on the big screen, the song was written for a horrible prison movie in the 50's.  Today, even Simon Cowell says this is his favorite song.  So if that loved one is serving 10-15, give them the message that they so desperately need to hear.
    8. Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion.  That's right, two songs from the John Kerry look-alike.  My wife loves her songs, and this is her favorite.  It came out when Ronnin was in high school.  Unfortunately, I hadn't met my wife at that time so whenever I hear her playing this song I'm sure it's reminding her of some previous boyfriend.  Oh well, I'm sure he's overweight, bald, and poor just like me so I have nothing to fear.
    There's my list and you're welcome!!!

    Running Out of Excuses

    It cost too much.  I don't know anyone else there.  I don't know how to use the equipment.  I want to spend more time with my family.  I don't have the right shoes.  I don't want all the women to flirt with me.

    These are my reasons, my excuses for not joining the new gym that is two blocks from my house. (Okay the last ones a stretch, but it 'could' happen)  This gym has multiple pools, several basketball courts, cardio areas, spa, indoor track, weight room that would rival most college football programs, and my favorite, racquetball courts.  I've bought day passes on several occasions but have not been ready to make the full commitment.  Yesterday I read a flyer from them that said they were dropping membership rates to $12.50 a month.  No strings attached, no extra fees.  So I'm running out of excuses for not joining.

    So why don't I just join?  What's wrong with me?  Surely I can spare 4 Starbucks a month so that I can get healthy and regain my youthful physique.  (By the way, thanks Ronnin for reminding me that I don't have the same 'body shape' I did when we first got married.)  As I cut through the thick jungle of excuses desperately searching for the root of my procrastination, I realized I was actually just looking for new and better reasons to keep the gym membership goal just outside my grasp.

    You see, I really don't want to change my schedule.  I like to sleep until my boys wake me up in the morning.  I like to come home from work, and be done working.  I like to go to bed at night, and not feel totally exhausted from moving pieces of metal a few inches at a time.  I'm OK with who I am, and I really cherish my time.  So no, the gym membership is not going to happen.

    I'm scratching this one off of my New Year's list.   Not as a completed goal but more importantly as a goal I never wanted to achieve in the first place.  A goal that isn't mine to achieve.  I'm happy to have the extra time to sleep, spend time with the family, and read an extra book or two.  Hey, I can still make those trips to Starbucks as well.  I'm starting to feel like I did just reach a goal!!!

    So I bless you to let yourself off the hook.  Fail on purpose at the ridiculous and focus on the things that resonate with you and impact those closest to you.

    10 years, 10 memories

    Today's my 10 year anniversary.  Ronnin, here's my top 10 memories of the last 10 years:

    1.            Honeymoon in Cancun:  But not what you’re thinking.  We boldly decided to take a catamaran out on the water.  Neither one of us had ever sailed and probably never steered a boat.  We scared our instructor more than we scared ourselves and he never let us take the boat out ourselves.

    2.            1st Time you Spoke at our Church:  There have been a handful of messages that have resonated and stuck with me, framing my view of God and my role as a follower of God.  I'll never forget that day.  Near the end of your message when you cried out in tears that the role of the church was to “Push the Bloodline” I was ready to take on the world!

    3.            Our First Anniversary:  We ate dinner at home and I cooked for you.  A coworker of mine, a single guy who still lived with his parents, gave me his “foolproof” recipe to impress you.  It was horrible, you let me know, and I’ve never attempted to cook any important meals since that day.

    4.            Your Pregnancy with Jace:  We lived about an hour from our doctor and the hospital (which is a sign of impending disaster).  Even though we had to stop to let you vomit every 15 miles, I cherished our “dates” to the doctor’s office and how we’d spend the whole day shopping, eating, and catching an occasional movie.

    5.            Jace’s Birth:  I was scared to death at the idea of growing up and becoming responsible for someone else’s future.  Today I’m just as scared but through it all you’ve been solid, patient, and a great momma.

    6.            Vacationing with Your Family:  I love the trips we’ve taken with your parents, your brother and his family, and Cayla and Brandon.  I’ve always enjoyed being with your family and these trips have created great memories.  Is there any anything more precious than the bond between Jace, Justus and their cousins?

    7.            When we left Houston:  We moved in with my parents hurt, confused, and a little angry about what life had dealt us, but what a pure and sweet time that turned out to be!!!  Isn’t it amazing to know that God is on our side?

    8.            Justus’ Birth:  What complete chaos the day was!  You hiking every mile of our neighborhood to induce labor while your parents were in town, the new hospital and nurses who weren’t ready to deliver babies yet, me eating a “healthy” meal at McD’s right before you gave birth, your doctor locked out of the hospital banging on the doors to get in, you screaming because of the totally natural childbirth that was taking place, and yes, me laid out on the couch about ready to completely pass out.  But ever since that little dud popped out he’s stolen everyone’s heart.  I love my boys!!!

    9.            Wedding Day:  The day fulfilled every dream, fantasy, and hope that I had wished for.  You were beautiful, fun, and full of life.  Characteristics that I’ve always admired in you.  Remember your dad constantly telling me to bend my knees so that I wouldn’t pass out?

    10.           Today:  10 years, 2 babies, 5 cities, 6 jobs, and way many more than 10 memories later; it’s been a great journey.  We haven’t allowed life or it’s circumstances to change our dreams, passions, and hopes.  Love you Frapps, and I’m looking forward to what God has in store for us!!!

    Where in the World...

    The last week and a half has been a non-stop, full-adrenaline, cross-country thrill ride.  My brother-in-law and cousin showed up at my house last week and told me they wanted me to go skiing with them in Winter Park, for free!!!  I packed my bags in 15 minutes and we headed west for Colorado.  Here's a pic of me skiing a green trail.  It may look tame but this little hill ate me up for the first two days.

    I stepped off of one of the ski lifts, and the thermometer showed the temp as -30F.  So this is a pic of me surviving and thriving in sub-human temperature.  Once I pulled down my goggles and pulled up my ski mask, the tip of my nose was the only flesh visible. 

    Days 2 and 3 on the mountain I left the bunny slopes and took on the blues.  I fell some, laughed some, and screamed the whole way down.

    I got back back Friday just in time for a Brazilian BBQ with some friends.  Here's a pic of about 20 steaks, and only 6 adults to eat them.  I'm proud to say that there were no leftovers.

    On Superbowl Sunday, we had our 1st Annual Flag Football Tournament.  My team came in second place, an issue I'm still disputing.  We lost on the last play of the game.  It was a lot of fun, except for the fact that my competitive demons came out in full display.

    Last night I went to the Chris Tomlin, Israel Houghton and New Breed concert.  This is a pic of the stage and lighting setup.  Pretty simple setup: black backdrop, two video screens, and a heavy dose of intelligent lights.

    Our seats were great, 15 rows from the stage.  Israel and new Breed were incredible live.  His vocals were unbelievable, the band was slamming, and the dancers were not at all cheesy like you'd expect.  As I was texting my bro telling him that Tomlin should be opening for Israel, Tomlin took the stage and led the greatest worship set I have ever heard in my life.  That guy is a song-writing stud!!!

    I'm back in the office today, for the 1st time in almost 2 weeks, and we're continuing our series on sex and dating tonight.  Have a great week!!!

    Just Listening to Some Tunes Dad

    I caught Justus jammin' out the other day.  He was dancing, moving his arms, even making some baby sounds to go along with the music.  Then I realized the headphones weren't plugged into anything.  It made me wish I was still a kid who could dance to his own imagination.

    I Won't Look Back

    Don't all of us aspire to be great leaders?  Isn't it naturally to want to live a life that inspires others to follow our journey?  Surely we all want to be eulogized as someone who left a lasting legacy for future generations.

    But why is there a such a large leadership gap in culture today?  Our churches, our government, our businesses, etc. seem to be lacking in authentic leadership.  George Barna, (I can't believe I'm quoting this guy) recently stated that most Protestant pastors are neither called to nor competent in leadership.  Barna's completely wrong on the first part but probably correct on the second.  We're all "called" (whatever that means) to be leaders, but few know how to do it.

    I just read a story about Joan of Arc (I hope it's true) that helped clarify the role of a great leader.  At age 17, she was leading the French knights into battle when her army was faced against a walled fortress.  She turned to one of her military generals and said, "I will lead the way over this wall."  The general replied, "None of these men will follow you."  Joan of Arc replied, "I won't look back to see if they're following me."  And guess what, they followed her.

    Maybe we should stop trying to be leaders focused on who's following us and what leadership paradigm we're utilizing, constantly looking back for affirmation.  True leadership comes from an authentic commitment to the ideas and values that God has already placed in us.

    So determine that you won't look back to see who's following you, and stay focused on overtaking the walls facing you and humanity around you.  Who knows, you just might inspire an army to follow in your steps.

    Marley, Me, and You

    Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Adam Sandler, and Jim Carrey all have new movies out at the movie theaters right now.  The combined production costs for these current movies is over $400 million.  $400 million dollars.

    Pitted against these big-budget blockbuster movies is a PG movie about a family with a dog.  The story's about a young family that adopts a dog, have kids, and live life.  Simple plot especially when compared to movies about a complex plan to assassinate Hitler, a disturbed man who is determined to make his life meaningful through death, a couple of kids who spend the week with their uncle and find out that they have the supernatural ability to turn ridiculous stories into reality, and a guy trying to survive his midlife crisis by becoming a yes man. (Isn't this just a Liar Liar remake?)

    Well the little dog movie has turned the superpower Hollywood boys into mere mortals.  The last two weeks Marley has raced past the boys at the box office and earned over $106 million.  Who would have thought that good writing and a movie with heart can beat plastic-faced, bloated ego, tummy-tucked stars?

    Thanks Marley.  You've inspired me to take on whatever challenges 2009 may bring me.  Okay, not really but it is nice to see Goliath get his day.  

    Have a great 2009, and don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the overwhelming obstacles in your life.  Live life with heart, stay journey minded, and be yourself.

    First Shave

    Jace has been asking me for months to buy him a razor and teach him how to shave.  After watching Bedtime Stories last week, he amped up his request and I finally caved in.  I bought a set of cheap of razors from the store and took them apart to get the blades out.  I broke two razors, cut myself three times, but he now has his own razor.

    Joe Gabbard

    I'm a pastor and strategy leader at a great church in Kansas City, MO.  Ronnin and I have been married for over 10 years and we have two beautiful, blond headed boys.  I'm interested in loving my family and being part of a community that impacts the spiritual landscape of our region.

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