I was very surprised to read that 49.5 percent of all U.S. households own individual stocks or stock mutual funds. At first I was very proud to hear that in spite of Dave Ramsey's robust rantings about our financial foolishness, we have been saving and investing and not blowing our money on the latest installment of Guitar Hero.
YOUR sacred journey
Embracing Your Community
I bought a Mac earlier this year, and along with it I received a free subscription to Macworld. I don't read it much, it's 90% advertisement for mac products (because everyone needs a pink carrying case for their new iphone) and 10% informational, but way too informational for a novice Mac user like myself.
You and 'Your People'
One of my best friends was born in Brazil, grew up there, and has been to more countries than I can identify on a map. His wife is Brazilian as well, and has several different races mixed in her blood. They help lead an awesome ministry to Brazilian families in Kansas City, and use our church facilities as a missions/ministry base.
Proof of Forgiveness
The other day as I was leaving for work, I promised Jace I would take him for a bike ride as soon as I got home. Normally I love going on bike rides with Jace. The weather this fall has been perfect, the trees are beautiful shades of reds and oranges, and we have some great trails in our neighborhood.
O vs Mac
Don’t know and don’t care who you’re voting for in a few days, but I recommend you watch this video… http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/choice2008/
PBS did it, it seems pretty balanced, and I was totally inspired listening to the stories of these two guys. I have great respect for Obama and McCain, and I’m stirred after hearing how they’ve overcome prejudice, hatred, violence, and their own ‘demons’ to serve our country.
613 Ways to Get in Trouble
In kindergarten, my best friend was Daniel. It’s odd that I remember his name. I can’t remember any of my teacher’s names from elementary school, although I think there was a Mrs. Smith (No, not Angelina Jolie, more like a Mrs. Doubtfire) or a Mrs. Johnson. Daniel and I were best friends, and as boys do, at times we were best enemies.
One time at recess, we had our most memorable fight. We got in an argument, a crowd gathered, I picked up a stick, and in a Roger Clemens moment, nailed him right in his face. He fell to the ground, acting like he’d just lost an eye. I should have aimed for his mouth because he went on and on about how he was now blind and injured for life. As teachers came running to his aide, I told him if he’d move his stupid hand from his face, he’d miraculously be able to see again.
Well Daniel regained his eyesight, but not until after I was sent to the principal’s office. (Now I do remember my principal’s name, maybe I spent more time there than in my classroom.) He asked me the same moronic question asked by every law enforcer. You know the question, “Why did you do it?” What do you tell the friendly police officer who just pulled you over for speeding through a school zone? “Uh, I wanted to get home in time to catch Sportscenter.” “I wanted to see what celeb Dr Phil is fixing today.” No matter what you say, you’re caught, and you’re going to be punished.
Well, I was six and didn’t understand this. So as he waited patiently for my remorseful confession, my mind worked hard on a viable story. And this is what I came up with…
I have a stick collection in my room, and I was picking up sticks to examine if I wanted to add any of these to my collection. I picked up a large one, and to my dismay, realized that I already had this species in my collection. I simply threw the stick aside and continued on my quest for the next great stick discovery.
Seconds later I heard the exaggerated crying and moaning from my best friend who apparently walked right in the direction of the tossed stick. I quickly ran over to him, offering my aid and assistance.
I was pretty proud of myself, my principal not so much. I got punished at school, which involved a big round block of wood, and then punished again at home, which involved a big strong hand.
To this day, whenever I do something wrong, I get caught. Sometimes I own up to it, apologize, and then move on. And sometimes I digress to that six year-old boy making up stories about stick collections.
Ask someone how many commandments are in the bible and they’ll probably tell you, “ten”. The truth is, in the first five books of the bible, there are 613 commandments given by God. Makes me think that the people who feel that the bible is just a strict rulebook might have a point. There are 365 negative commandments – “Thou shalt not” and 248 positive commandments – “Thou shalt”
As followers of Christ, we believe that we are created in the image of God, thus we should behave in the manner of God; in a way that honors Him.
Martin Buber said it like this, “The fact that it has been revealed to us that we are made in God’s image gives us the incentive to unfold the image and in so doing to imitate God.”
Sounds good, but the reality is God isn’t addicted to pornography like us, He doesn’t lie like us, He doesn’t cheat, steal, covet, or the other 600 ways we consistently misrepresent Him.
I’m sober to the fact that I fail hundreds of times every day. One of the writers of the bible said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” I’m not so bold.
But I’ve got some good news. It’s interesting to me that the 365 negative commandments equal the 365 blood vessels in the human body. The 248 positive commandments equal the 248 organs in the human bible. It gives new perspective to when Jesus told his followers to “Eat His flesh and drink His blood.”
Maybe the key isn’t getting it right, but instead walking with Him. The bible might have a long list of requirements, but following Jesus only has one… Come.
So I bless you to no longer keep score, but instead to simply walk the journey. A prophet named Jeremiah understood it when he said, “God loves with an everlasting love, and he draws you in with loving-kindness.”
Dynamic Environment
The Christian faith was birthed by a small tribe of shepherd people called Jews. They were the bearers of a radical new concept, and this concept became the basis for not only a new form of religion, but of a better way to live.
In that day, the dominant theology was pagan religion. They believed that divine creatures predated creation and humanity, but the gods themselves had been created by some mystical force. Supreme deity was not imposed on these gods, as each tribe and people group worshipped their own gods and followed their own set of morals and laws.
In this landscape, Hebrews spoke out of a personal relationship with their God. They declared that not only was their God good (James 1:17, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”) but that he was also all-powerful; the one true God (John14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”.)
Jewish ideas celebrated not only the supremacy of their God, but also described a bold, new relationship between God and humanity. They spoke of an intimate and personal relationship with God, and His desire to engage the heart of people groups from all tribes and nations. The Jewish people were not describing a new form of “religion” or attempting to destroy the religious ideology of their day. Instead they were speaking out of the context of their own personal relationship with Creator God. The entire Jewish community, every man, women, and child had a personal encounter with God.
But where did that leave people groups who were entrenched in pagan theology and skeptical of rejecting the “truth” that had been handed down from previous generations? Were they condemned, marginalized, left out of God’s design and plan for humanity? Joel 2:32 describes God’s definitive plan for mankind, a way to bridge economic, racial, religious, and political divides; “And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved…”
So today we continue to celebrate our unique and personal relationship with God. And just as important, we reach out of our own “family” with the passion to share the truth that Jesus has a plan and destiny for all of humanity. Our faith can be expressed in corporate weekly worship services, but is more accurately demonstrated through the love and assimilation of eclectic people groups from all backgrounds.
Joel understood this as he proclaimed, "He knows the way that I take and when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold." So I bless you to engage your task not in fixing people, but bringing out the gold that God has deposited in each of us.
Connection Teams
I can finally come back up for air. I've been hiding out, working on our fall small group manual and study guides for the past few weeks. After dozens of meetings, hours of collaboration, and working my mac to the max, we're done. The manual ended up being about 75 pages long. We started training our new leaders this week and really expect things to explode. (in a good way)
- 4000 babies are aborted daily
- 75% of women have abortions because of financial pressure
- Planned Parenthood is funded mainly through state/federal government
- Your Pastor preaches and your church believes that abortion is homicide, abortion doctors are murderers, and women who get abortions are accomplices
- Your church building/land is worth hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars
- Your church invests thousands of dollars on websites, video projection systems, and TV/radio airtime
- Women pass at least 12 churches on the trip from their house to the abortion clinic
- 99.9% of those churches have never offered financial, spiritual, or counseling services to encourage, educate, or equip pregnant women with a way out of the financial pressure resulting from their pregnancy
75% of abortions could be eliminated if the church would stop building "crystal cathedrals", buying the newest choir robes, remodeling their foyer to "remain relevant", hiring additional staff to "minister" to an already saved age group, etc. and instead invest (not politically) in the lives of women in their community by supporting them in any way necessary to eliminate their "need" for abortion.
Three Amigos and the Gift of Awe
I rented the Three Amigos from our neighborhood movie rental store (No, not Blockbuster). Jace loved it and Ronnin hated it, proving that it's the perfect guy movie but probably not a good selection for date night.
A blog I will probably delete tomorrow
It's been a tough year for the "American Gospel Enterprise". Richard Roberts and ORU have been rocked by scandal, Randy and Paula White have seen their marriage implode, Juanita Bynum and Thomas Weeks had a very public separation, Ted Haggard's private behavior was exposed, and most recently "healing evangelist" Todd Bentley has confessed to an improper relationship with a female staffer and excessive drinking (that's called alcoholism by the way), and Mike Guglielmucci lied about having cancer to promote his hit song, 'Healer'. Even as I write this I know I'm leaving out dozens of recent scandals that have exposed serious inconsistencies within the church community and its leaders.
Nice Wheels
One of the students in our ministry, Kirk, bought his 1st car yesterday. You should have seen how excited he was to bring it to church last night, it was priceless!!! A friend was riding with him (who had to get out through the window because the passenger door doesn't open) and they were smiling and laughing as they pulled into the parking lot. It was so much fun celebrating with those guys last night. Unfortunately, his truck broke down in the parking lot, and it's in the same place this morning.
First Day
Jace had his first day of school yesterday, but he was most interested in riding the school bus. Armed with his new Buzz Lightyear bookbag, (which cost more, holds more, and is way cooler than my Eddie Bauer messenger bag), he bravely navigated his first day of kindergarten. Ronnin and I greeted him as soon as he got off the bus, and I took him out for a celebratory ice cream, which turned into cotton candy and 3 movie rentals as well. Later that night, we met friends and went out to a Japanese steakhouse. Jace took a shrimp thrown by our cook to the eye and one landed right on top of Justus's head. Alas, good times.
The Call DC
The Call supports and endorses all Christian organizations that espouse its values:
· Worship
· Unity
· Prayer
· Fasting
· Follow Up
· Transformation
· Repentance
· Reconciliation
· Impartation
· Equipping
· Revival
· Revolution
If you had to write an honest summary up your life, ministry, or focus, what would it look like?
You ever walk out of a meeting and feel like, "That person just doesn't get it!" It could be your boss, spouse, kids, coworkers, or whoever you rub shoulders with that at times you'd prefer to rub away. You go into the meeting hoping to help, teach, or convince the other person to do things a better way. You know, your way.
Love, Listen, Liberate
Thanks for the comments to my previous post, several of you told me that you had trouble posting a comment and I've corrected the problem.