Safe Place?

We received the following email at our church last week.  I enthusiastically volunteered to respond to the email, and attempt to connect with the author.  I hope it stirs up something inside of you and makes you ask yourself some tough questions.  Leave a comment and let me know how you would react.  How would your church react?  I'll post what my response was in a few days.


I am trying to find an open and affirming congregation in Lees Summit MO. I am an openly gay servant of God and am wanting a place of worship that is open and affirming of me as a person. I am looking for a place that is open and accepting of me as a human being will hopefully respect my differences just like I will respect the other members of the congregation. A place that will challenge me spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and aid me in my journey with the Creator as I know it. 

I was wondering what your views on homosexuality are for this church as specifically. I would also like to know that based off of what I have asked you in this email, if you think this would be a safe place that would be open to me as a person who is gay, and affirm me in my walk with God.  Thank you for reading this.

Go in peace, with lots of love, and harmony   

Joe Gabbard

I'm a pastor and strategy leader at a great church in Kansas City, MO.  Ronnin and I have been married for over 10 years and we have two beautiful, blond headed boys.  I'm interested in loving my family and being part of a community that impacts the spiritual landscape of our region.

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