Don't all of us aspire to be great leaders? Isn't it naturally to want to live a life that inspires others to follow our journey? Surely we all want to be eulogized as someone who left a lasting legacy for future generations.
But why is there a such a large leadership gap in culture today? Our churches, our government, our businesses, etc. seem to be lacking in authentic leadership. George Barna, (I can't believe I'm quoting this guy) recently stated that most Protestant pastors are neither called to nor competent in leadership. Barna's completely wrong on the first part but probably correct on the second. We're all "called" (whatever that means) to be leaders, but few know how to do it.
I just read a story about Joan of Arc (I hope it's true) that helped clarify the role of a great leader. At age 17, she was leading the French knights into battle when her army was faced against a walled fortress. She turned to one of her military generals and said, "I will lead the way over this wall." The general replied, "None of these men will follow you." Joan of Arc replied, "I won't look back to see if they're following me." And guess what, they followed her.
Maybe we should stop trying to be leaders focused on who's following us and what leadership paradigm we're utilizing, constantly looking back for affirmation. True leadership comes from an authentic commitment to the ideas and values that God has already placed in us.
So determine that you won't look back to see who's following you, and stay focused on overtaking the walls facing you and humanity around you. Who knows, you just might inspire an army to follow in your steps.