I rented the Three Amigos from our neighborhood movie rental store (No, not Blockbuster). Jace loved it and Ronnin hated it, proving that it's the perfect guy movie but probably not a good selection for date night.
The next morning Jace said he wanted to dress up as his favorite amigo, Dusty Bottoms. Here's the pic. I love sharing great memories from my childhood with Ronnin and the boys. Jace is at an age where he appreciates it, maybe too much. Every time we watch a movie, go out to eat, or do something new, he'll ask me, "Joe, did you do this when you were a kid?"
I have an insatiable desire (okay, maybe that's stretching it a bit) to share new things with people, and I bet you're the same way. Ever time I meet someone who hasn't seen The Prestige, I invite them over and watch it with them for the hundreth time. It's great to witness their shock, awe, confusion, and then realization that they may have just seen the best movie ever made.
And that's the fun for me, their awe; showing someone the unknown and then see them totally blown away by it. Ronnin and I intentionally and deliberately create memories like this for our kids, but almost every time we have to overcome one obstacle... fear.
The first time I took Jace off a diving board, he was scared to death. The first time Justus rode down a slide, you would have thought the Spanish Inquisition was experiencing a revival in our backyard. But something happens at the bottom of the slide and the surface of the water. Fear is completely overcome in a beautiful display of laughter and excitement. Inevitably Jace screams out, "Let's do that again!" and Justus giggles uncontrollably. That's the gift of awe; the death of fear at the hand of great discovery.
So I bless you to know that whatever you're going through, is not greater than the faith of a child in the presence of its father. Maybe He's trying to show you something you've never seen before, you know, sharing the gift of awe with one of His kids.