"Also I took that sinful thing of yours, the calf you had made, and burned it in the fire. Then I crushed it and ground it to powder as fine as dust and threw the dust into a stream that flowed down the mountain."
- Deuteronomy 9:21
Moses knew how to burn a bridge, in this case a sin bridge. He brought out a four-part attack on the Israelites' plaguing sin problem, enabling them to capture God's promise for their lives. If you don't know the background of this story and the destruction that this golden calf brought on his nation, you probably think that Moses was overreacting.
But Moses knew far too well that this calf represented his nation's reliance on self and an unauthentic devotion to God. See that's the problem with sin bridges: They enable us to go back and forth between our devotion to God and our reliance on self, but remove all traces of authenticity from our lives.
Did the Israelites really want to worship a phony cow and put their futures in its hands? Of course not, they just wanted a fix until Moses returned to lead them again. In your life, when hope seems dim, promise lost in a fog, and you feel yourself reaching for temporal relief, remind yourself of this contrast: while Moses was climbing a mountain to find God, his people were building an idol to substitute God.
Those things in your life that have become sin bridges, are really endless detours around the life God has for you. So I encourage you to deal with it Moses style - burn it, crush it, ground it, and throw it. Even though yours isn't, you'll find His grace is sufficient.
Good stuff...good to read your 'stuff' again!
Good word Joe, good to see you back to the blog. I would add that a deeper issue then the external bridges would be the internal issues of the heart. Death of self is only a work that God can do. So God we need your fire, crushing, gringing and scattering of our old sinful nature.
Great word!
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