missing your moment
Imagine the surroundings: Jesus’ 12 closest disciples sitting around a small table, having a meal, and listening intently to Jesus teach.
He’s speaking in hushed tones, causing everyone to lean in close to hear him clearly. He’s sharing with them some of his last words and final instructions before he’s betrayed by Judas.
Then suddenly a big distraction begins as a couple of the disciples start to argue with each other. Were they arguing over what Jesus was teaching? Maybe having a discussion over how to defend Jesus against the upcoming attack?
No, they were arguing over which of them was Jesus’ greatest disciple. Can you imagine that? In a life changing moment in history, they’re missing the significance because they’re arguing over their own... significance.
The same is true for us. We often miss God’s big, significance plan for mankind because we’ve become distracted with things not near as important. We can fall into the trap of caring more about things that don’t matter (worship styles, political views, religious preferences) near as much as the significant (personal relationship, discipleship, evangelism).
So how do you know if the things that you’re attaching your life to are significant? The best way is to look at the disciples that evening: they missed their moment because they were concerned primarily for themselves, while Jesus was capturing history by laying his life down for others.
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