before i die

This is the eighteenth of 21 posts serving as a devotional and prayer guide building up to the launch of on Saturday November 6th.

Recently, a movie came out about two older guys who decide to try to live out their bucket list (a list of things to do before they die (kick the bucket). Most are insane, odd, or completely unrealistic and near the end of the movie they realize that most of them are also insignificant.
Life is much more important than accomplishing goals or achieving recognition, it’s about a building a relationship with God, investing in the lives of others, and leaving a legacy for the next generation.
The past few days we’ve talked about the first two, but sometimes the last one is the most difficult. How do we live a life that calls out greatness in the next generation? Most generations reject and rebel the values of the previous generation.
David was a man who had a powerful relationship with God and focused his life of bringing hope and freedom to his people. But in Psalms 71: 18 we hear David’s plea with God to give him more time to do one last thing, “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come.”
David understood that his message and dream could outlive him if he could declare the goodness of God to the next generation. And although they probably won’t dress like you or listen to your music the next generation is eagerly waiting for someone to speak truth into their life.
Ask God today how you can declare to the next generation the goodness of God.
Read Psalms 71: 14-18


Joe Gabbard

I'm a pastor and strategy leader at a great church in Kansas City, MO.  Ronnin and I have been married for over 10 years and we have two beautiful, blond headed boys.  I'm interested in loving my family and being part of a community that impacts the spiritual landscape of our region.

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