i messed up 613 times today

This is the eleventh of 21 posts serving as a devotional and prayer guide building up to the launch of creativecommunity.tv on Saturday November 6th.

Do you know how many commandments are in the Bible? Most of us would say 10. Did you know that in the first 5 books of the Bible alone there are 613 commandments? There are 365 negative commandments (thou shall not) and 248 positive commandments (thou shall).

We’re told not to eat shellfish, pork, and rabbits, but we’re told in Leviticus 11:22 that it’s ok to eat locust. And the Bible commands you to say grace after the meal and not before. You’re also commanded not to take a pledge in utensils that are used in preparing food.

Obviously many of these commandments were specific to the customs and behaviors of the Israelites and God’s preference for the ladle. When asked in the New Testament which commandments were the most important to follow, Jesus reduced the list by 611. His response in Matthew 22: 37-40 was, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all mind,,, and to love your neighbor as yourself.”

That’s a much more realistic list and it makes me more comfortable to continue praying before my meal. Jesus said that these 2 commandments actually represent the heart of all the other commandments.

So although the list is large, it all points back to a relationship with God and demonstrating His love towards others. The 365 “thou shalt nots” actually point us to His blood (365 blood vessels in the human body) and the 248 “thou shalls” point to His body (248 major organs in the human body). Pray today that you would have a renewed focus on the power of His love, and not the list of ways we fall short of His commandments.

Read Matthew 22: 34-40


Joe Gabbard

I'm a pastor and strategy leader at a great church in Kansas City, MO.  Ronnin and I have been married for over 10 years and we have two beautiful, blond headed boys.  I'm interested in loving my family and being part of a community that impacts the spiritual landscape of our region.

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