no good can come from that

This is the tenth of 21 posts serving as a devotional and prayer guide building up to the launch of on Saturday November 6th.

Conan O’Brien had a funny bit on his show where he would mix the image of a beautiful celebrity with an image of another attractive person. What made it funny was that the new image that he formed would end up looking like a hideous creature.

He would manipulate their eyebrows, ears, hair, and mouth to create a monster that looked nothing like the original celebrities. No matter how attractive the celebrities were, the combination would always produce an ugly result.

That was the reaction some had when they heard about Jesus. In John 1:46 Nathaniel said, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Before He had a chance to perform a miracle, tell a parable, or demonstrate His love, some already saw him as a worthless person.

Do you ever feel that way? Do you feel judged by how you look, where you work, your economic background, race, or personal beliefs? Do you ever fall into the temptation of judging people because of those same criteria?

We often quickly judge people that don’t attend church, or follow Christ as people without worth or value. We take on the attitude that no good can come from them.

This is the greatest lie that keeps us from fulfilling the greatest commandment. If we will see people just as Christ does, our perception and behaviors will change. We’ll move away from judging people and start asking God how we can lovingly minister truth and healing to them.

Read John 1:46-49


Joe Gabbard

I'm a pastor and strategy leader at a great church in Kansas City, MO.  Ronnin and I have been married for over 10 years and we have two beautiful, blond headed boys.  I'm interested in loving my family and being part of a community that impacts the spiritual landscape of our region.

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